Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

5 Tips for Marketing Your Rental Property to Gen Z

Generation Z. The young men and women born between 1997 and 2012, the successors to the Millennial generation. Those recent grads or the guys and gals approaching graduation, ready to venture out on their own into the wonderful world of securing housing. For many in this demographic, that means finding an apartment, townhouse, or single-family home to rent –as few are in the position to buy a home.  

How can landlords attract these grads and young professionals to their rental properties? The key to marketing to Gen Z is to understand that their generation is different than any before them in one dramatic way: they’ve never known a time when the world wasn’t driven by technology. Being tech-savvy to the max impacts their lives on a day-by-day, even hour-by-hour basis. It’s all they’ve ever known, and it has influenced them in countless ways, including how they pursue housing options and what amenities they’ll be seeking.  

That’s why your marketing approach must demonstrate that you understand who they are and grasp their must-haves. So, here goes. 

 1.  Without a doubt, Gen Z will go online to check out the property first. They’ll be expecting to find eye-catching graphics in an interactive format that relays all the pertinent details. This means it’s time to evaluate your online listing to see if it receives a passing grade or if these digital natives will pass on your properties because the listing doesn’t deliver.  

 2.  Get a feel for what they like – topping the list: modern amenities and living conditions. They’re drawn to open spaces, natural light, and neutral color palettes that allow them to take a “blank slate” and make it their own. Which of your properties check these boxes? Market those specifically to this demographic with a strong emphasis on these favorite features in your advertising content photos and descriptions.    

 3.  A strong, reliable broadband connection is an absolute must. Not only do Gen Zers engage the internet for a multitude of personal uses such as streaming, but many also either work or study from home and utilize digital technology extensively. Landlords who confirm broadband internet is available and advertise that fact in their listings will attract this age group.  

 4.  And speaking of convenience, Gen Zers love the convenience of smart-home amenities. A mobile app that puts home security management, such as door locks, lighting, thermostat control, and entertainment devices at their fingertips will garner a big thumbs up. Not only do these features scream convenience, but Gen Z tenants will also appreciate the cost savings and environmental conservation such options afford.  

 5.  Take the environmental impact scenario a step or two further by adding green or energy-efficient appliances, HVAC systems, windows, etc., to your properties. Even a water-saving showerhead and a recycling bin will appeal to eco-friendly renters. Market those units with the most “green” features specifically to Gen Zers, who will be lured in by a property and a landlord who has made an effort to “go green.”  

Become a Gen Z savvy landlord, and your properties will appeal to Gen Z tenants. 

About Rentals America 

Rentals America provides full-service property management for residential rental properties. Our team is completely dedicated to property management and we’re here to help landlords navigate the rental market.