Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Give Your Tenants a Valentine

In today’s market, customer service and appreciation are essential pillars of rock-star businesses. It can make all the difference between merely surviving or thriving. For landlords, your tenants are your customers. What better time than Valentine’s Day to share a little love and extend a token of your appreciation to your tenants.

Sure, it involves both cost and time, but it doesn’t have to destroy the budget or skyrocket your stress level. Here are some great ways to tell your tenants you appreciate their ‘business’; you care.

Write a short note of thanks, add it to a bag of sweet treats and hand deliver it to your tenant’s front door.

Go a step further and include a gift card to a local business.

Perhaps you’ve gotten to know your tenants on a more personal level. Choose a gift that fits their personality/lifestyle. For example, a family with teens would probably appreciate a gift card to a bowling alley, while another couple might enjoy tickets to the Desert Botanical Garden in Papago Park.

If you have more than one home, hold a ‘share the love’ drawing. Put together a ‘Grand prize” for the winner. Prize suggestions: Bakery treats, gift cards for groceries, gas, movie theatre, or even an Arizona State Park pass.

Consider giving them a 20% discount on their rent for February or give them a 20% off card to be used in March if rent is paid on the due date or early.

Make a point of stopping by your rental(s) during February and checking that all is well.

If you have a property management company handling complete care of properties and tenants, discuss your options with them.

As a property management company with offices in Phoenix and Tucson, as well as franchises opening across the U.S., Rentals America says Happy Valentine’s Day to the landlords, tenants, and communities we serve.