Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

4 Tips for Handling Tenant Complaints 

One unavoidable element of being a landlord is tenant complaints. They come in all sizes, shapes, and severities. Even the most conscientious, attentive landlords will be called on to handle grievances ranging from mild annoyances to significant concerns. The key is to be prepared to manage and resolve the inevitable complaints, disputes, and divisions that will arise. With an anticipate-and-conquer approach, landlords can maintain rental units occupied by satisfied tenants.  

These four strategies will help landlords manage complaints with as little fuss and stress as possible for all involved.  

  • Establish straightforward, effective methods to receive tenant complaints 

 Effective communication reigns supreme when it comes to complaint resolutions. From day one, tenants need to be aware of the best ways to contact the landlord or the management team. And it should go without saying that these folks must be reachable during “office hours,” after hours, weekends, and holidays. Being reachable and then attentive to the situation always tops the list of tenant must-haves. Methods convenient for tenants and management include an online portal, a dedicated email address, or a 24/7 telephone number. 

  • Acknowledge and begin resolution promptly 

Monitor all means of communicating tenant complaints and concerns daily. Checking for messages once or twice a week will not do. First things first: Acknowledge receipt of the complaint and thank the tenant for bringing the situation to your attention. Then, ask questions to gain additional information and determine if the problem suggests an ongoing annoyance, a health or safety concern, or an emergency matter. It may be necessary to prioritize some concerns behind others of a more critical nature. Communicate this to the tenant with an assurance that someone will be actively seeking resolution as soon as possible.  

  • Treat every situation with professionalism 

From the most minor of issues to those that involve mounting frustration and erupting tempers, each situation deserves a professional approach from management. It’s important to stay calm and remain composed, as the last thing an angry situation needs is more fuel to stoke the fire. People often simply need to feel they are being heard for a resolution to begin. Listening, seeking to understand, and striving to be considerate will increase the chances of resolving the problem successfully. Sometimes all that’s needed is a constructive, fair, two-way conversation.  

  • Keep a record of tenant complaints  

 Maintaining a log of complaints and concerns can highlight ongoing or repeat-offender issues. Perhaps a maintenance situation crops up each spring and then again in the fall. Recognizing that the same problems keep surfacing could lead to preventative measures that solve the situation long term. 

 Complaints that involve the behavior of other tenants, such as people being noisy, smoking, or not disposing of trash properly, should be recorded when the complaint is received. Then, document all conversations and any means of resolving the situation. Finally, monitor the written documentation for repeat or persistent behavior that may need to be dealt with more firmly.  

 Dealing with tenant complaints can create a make it or break it scenario. However, effective resolutions will lead to satisfied tenants who remain long-term—the goal of every rental property owner.    

 About Rentals America 

Rentals Americaprovides full-service property management for residential rental properties. Our team is completely dedicated to property management and we’re here to help landlords navigate the rental market.