Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Preventing Damage to Your Rental Property

Ever present in a landlord’s thoughts is the burning question, “How can I prevent tenant property damage?” Of course, all hopes are pinned on the best-case scenario, that any damage will be light and of the normal wear and tear variety. But wise property owners understand the need to consider damage scenarios that fall into the heavy, severe, and extensive categories.  

Reality-grasping landlords recognize that attention toward preventing damage will save money, time, and hours of fretting. Because an ounce of prevention truly is worth a pound of cure,  

Preventing property damage begins before the tenant moves in via— 

  • Clearly defined expectations 

The lease should thoroughly address the landlord’s expectations concerning the care and upkeep of the property. The consequences of non-compliance with said expectations should be detailed and accompanied by a timeline. Such measures will give the impression that a landlord is serious about respecting their property.  

  •  The requirement of a security deposit 

Having a sum of money held as a security deposit will incentivize tenants to maintain the property and immediately report the need for repairs. This requirement will also ignite a sense of obligation to be respectful of and attentive to the condition of the rental property. Take the time to place a dollar amount on specific types of damage to encourage tenants to be careful and observant in hopes of receiving a refund of the full deposit when they leave.  

  • A move-in checklist 

Establishing the condition of a property move-in time not only documents the property’s condition at the beginning of the lease period but also sets the bar for maintaining the property. In addition, it will remove all doubt as to whether the landlord is concerned about how the tenant will care for the rental unit.  

 Throughout a tenant’s lease, prevention strategies include— 

  • Regular inspections of the rental unit  

Regularly scheduled inspections will uncover situations requiring repair or improvement before the damage escalates from a minor repair to a major overhaul. These timely check-ins will also serve as a reminder that the property’s condition is a high priority for the landlord. The more time and attention a property owner pays to the maintenance and upkeep of their rental units, the louder will be the message that this is high on the landlord’s list of priorities.  

  •  Prompt attention to repairs 

A lackadaisical attitude toward repairs, whether a leaky faucet or a leaky roof, will send the wrong message. Because if the landlord doesn’t care enough to complete repair or hire a professional promptly, why should the tenant be troubled to keep a tidy home and be mindful of behavior that might cause damage? Instead, send the message that you, the landlord, are as invested in maintaining the property as your clearly defined expectations insist the tenant be.  

Preventing property damage works best as a partnership. When the tenant and landlord strive together to keep a property in tip-top shape, the outcome will benefit both parties.  

 About Rentals America   

Rentals Americaprovides full-service property management for residential rental properties. Our team is completely dedicated to property management and we’re here to help landlords navigate the rental market.