Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Engaging and Retaining Great Tenants

When someone owns a business, they typically say their customers are their boss, and 5-star customer service is the key to company growth. The same principle applies when you are a landlord. The best way to engage and then retain great tenants, thereby keeping your investment producing cash flow, is to deliver top-notch customer service to your tenants. In other words, provide the most in-demand items. Begin from day one – when you are choosing a property to purchase as an investment. 

Tenants want a big enough home in a safe neighborhood. So, look for a 3-bedroom home, 2bath home in a good neighborhood, where most homes are owner-occupied. Owners tend to keep their homes and yards in good repair, which will subconsciously inspire your tenant to do the same.  

Tenants want to move into a home that is clean and in good repair. So, whether you are preparing for your first tenant or a new tenant, have the house professionally cleaned and freshly painted. Design easy maintenance landscaping and keep it in tiptop condition. If possible, have an enclosed area for children and/or pets. It answers their need for safety and their desire for privacy. 

Tenants want to be treated fairly concerning rent. So, research the market rate and set yours accordingly. If you push the rent too high you will scare them away. If you make it too low, they will think something is wrong.  

Once you have purchased a property, get to know the neighbors. Assure them that you want to know if any concerns arise. 

 Searching for A Tenant 

Whether you place a sign in the yard and post the details on a poster in the window or advertise online or in local publications, the key is to communicate clearly.  

  • State how much the rent is, the security deposit, and where to get an application.  
  • Be specific about the rate you are charging per month and the amount of the security deposit.  
  • Set the security deposit higher than one month’s rent – it creates an incentive for keeping the property in good shape. 
  • Create a detailed inspection list – which a new tenant will have to check off and sign. This, with photos, documents the condition of your property on movein day. 

 The New Tenant 

Have clearly established and understood expectations – 

  • When is the rent due? 
  • What maintenance issues are their responsibility? 
  • Which issues should they report to you? 
  • When and where can they reach you? 

Consider offering a discount on the rent if they pay it before the first of the month. This incentive is far more positive than charging a fee when the rent is late. 

You Set the Tone 

Your tenants will respond to the tone you set regarding the landlord-tenant relationship. 

  • Be kind and respectful to your tenant,  
  • Stay consistent about your rules and expectations. 
  • When repairs are your responsibility, take care of them promptly. 
  • When it is the tenant’s responsibility (for example, their child threw a ball and broke a window), hold them to a prompt repair. 

Like any other business, when you treat your customer” with respect and deliver impeccable service, they will come back (or, in this case, stay).  

When you set firm expectations and trust them to hold their part of the business agreement, they will meet the occasion. In the end, finding and keeping great tenants is up to you.  

 Rentals America is ready and waiting to assist you with tenants.  

 About Rentals America 

Rentals America provides full-service property management for residential rental properties. Our team is completely dedicated to property management and we’re here to help landlords navigate the rental market.