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Overcoming Adversity

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” 

–  Helen Keller, who lost her sight and hearing as a toddler, yet went on to become a   defender and promoter of women’s rights, and an inspiration around the world.

We all deal with adversity at different times of our life. Once we accept that concept, we can prepare ourselves to rise above adversity and grow from it. These tips will help you stand strong in the face of it.

Consider adversity your friend: Adversity is an opportunity to grow stronger, gain valuable insights, make personal changes, and be better equipped to handle the next time we get we get in the ring with it. It also enables us to help others in their times of difficulty.

Look at the source of your adversity with honesty: Sure, there are times that the challenge you are facing was wrought entirely by others and circumstances entirely beyond your control. In which case, our best tool is to accept the situation, forgive the people involved, and move forward in searching for the healthiest response.

On the other hand, sometimes we could have, should have done something different. The point is not to annihilate yourself, but to learn from the mistake. What did you do wrong? What could you have done differently? Taking responsibility for our part often leads us to solutions.

Respond with humor: Sometimes, there’s a humorous side to our adversity. Sometimes we have to create a humorous side (consider all the memes that have come about amid COVID-19). Other times, we need to look for other sources to inspire our laughter. The adage ‘laughter is the best medicine’ became one because it’s true. Studies have even indicated that laughter therapy can help cancer patients.

Bolster your mood: Your mood profoundly affects your ability to deal with adversity. Take the steps you need to get out of the rut and face life with optimism and purpose.

  • Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Replace sugary snacks with protein or fruits and vegetables.
  • Get regular exercise. A daily twenty-minute walk can make a huge difference.
  • Get proper rest. Studies reveal that adults need 7-8 hours every night.
  • Listen to music that pumps you up. We all have different tastes, so choose what makes you happy.
  • Take time for you. A fifteen-minute break, a chat with a friend, twenty minutes to read the next chapter in your book, whatever you enjoy; do it.
  • Help others. Giving of yourself almost always results in feeling like you received more than you gave.

Choose to believe in yourself: Yes, even when the adversity you face is primarily brought on by yourself, it shows that you were trying. Sometimes our plans crash, but that isn’t a failure – it’s just one of the steps on the way to success.

Build a personal support system: Of course, this doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s best to have it in place before adversity hits, but better late than never. Build relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. Connect with a spiritual mentor. When adversity hits, having someone to talk to and glean ideas from helps us get through with our head up.

Since the debut of Rentals America in 2007, we have been committed to serving both property owners and residents – high-quality customer service is one of our foundational pillars. Contact us today to see how we help owners manage their properties, and potential tenants find the perfect place to rent.