10 Lease Clauses That Protect Landlords

To you, as a landlord, your lease is the most essential document in your rental property business. It outlines your and your tenant’s rights and responsibilities and is your first resource when questions arise. Additionally, a well-drafted agreement can provide critical protections for the landlord. Here are ten types of clauses to consider when drafting … Read More

Book Review: First-Time Landlord’s Guide

On the surface, being a landlord may look like an easy, straightforward way to earn money. However, new rental property owners quickly learn that the landlord’s role involves many complexities. Apart from maintaining the property and vetting prospective tenants, landlords must collect late rent, handle tenant complaints, and organize records. For all these common quandaries, … Read More

Should I Create an LLC for My Rental Property?

Owning a rental property exposes landlords to many legal risks—from on-site injury claims to disgruntled tenants’ lawsuits. Every business will have different needs, depending on its size, ownership structure, and local laws. The right insurance should provide some measure of coverage. However, many landlords incorporate another layer of business protection by creating an LLC for … Read More

7 Tips for Dealing with Demanding Tenants

Landlords often devote most of their time to a small percentage of their tenants. Whether these renters are endlessly complaining, asking for rent extensions, or requesting maintenance at night, a demanding tenant drains your financial and emotional resources. Here are some ideas for improving your interactions with these challenging renters: Listen to understand. Open communication … Read More

7 Ways to Attract Tenants in a Tough Market

The rental market can be unpredictable. Some available units fill almost instantly one year, while vacancies sit open for months the following year. However, rental properties are only beneficial investments if they’re occupied by rent-paying tenants, so a tough market may require extra effort and creativity. 7 tips to make your unit stand out Rental … Read More

A Landlord’s Guide to Basic Real Estate Terms

Getting started as a landlord can be intimidating as you navigate maintaining a rental property while working with individual tenants. There’s also enough new terminology to make anyone’s head spin! Read on for the definitions of twenty common real estate expressions to get you started. Abatement is a lease term or legal provision allowing a … Read More

5 Ways to Deodorize Rental Units

No one wants to live in a smelly home, and tenants are no exception.  Foul odors in a rental unit can originate from many sources including smoke, pet accidents, mold, and burnt food.  But unless a landlord removes all traces of these foul smells, he’ll struggle to secure a new renter. So, how can you … Read More

What Is a Landlord’s Responsibility When Someone Gets Injured on His Rental Property?

What Is a Landlord’s Responsibility When Someone Gets Injured on His Rental Property?  Injuries can happen anywhere. Potential risks abound, from slippery sidewalks to falling tree branches to loose railings.  But when injuries occur on a rental property, responsibility gets murky.  The landlord’s duty to provide a habitable unit includes keeping the property structurally sound.  … Read More

How Quickly Does a Landlord Need to Make Repairs?

While preventative maintenance minimizes rental unit repairs, property damage will inevitably occur. At a minimum, landlords must ensure their rental units are safe and habitable. Yet, many leases and laws invoke a higher standard. So, when a tenant submits a repair request, how quickly must a landlord handle it? Unfortunately, no blanket response covers all … Read More

Book Review: The Lifestyle Investor

If you own rental properties to earn passive income, The Lifestyle Investor: The 10 Commandments of Cash Flow Investing for Passive Income and Financial Freedom will be helpful! The author, Justin Donald, built his wealth through a series of passive investments and now shares his secrets via his books and Lifestyle Investor podcast. The Lifestyle … Read More