Giving Back to Your Rental Investment Communities

Investment in real estate gives you a unique tie to your local community—your business is inseparable from the area in which you invest. That powerful connection to your neighborhood places you in an ideal position to set an example and inspire those around you by doing good in your community. But when so many needs … Read More

Rentals America Supports TCAA’s 2022 Turkey Drive

With rising food costs, individuals and families that depend on food banks need even more support.  This year, TCAA set a goal of providing Thanksgiving meals to 500 families.  To help with their effort, Rentals America donated funds for 32 turkeys. We’re happy to announce that they reached their goal a few days ago, and … Read More

How Can I Improve Communication with my Tenants?

With so much at stake, the relationship between a landlord and tenant can quickly become strained. As a landlord, you’ve invested considerable money, time, and effort into the property, while your tenant views the space as home. One of the best ways to minimize strain and foster a positive relationship with your tenants is to … Read More

How to Choose the Best Flooring for Your Rental Property

One of the most visible and utilized aspects of your rental property lies right at your feet—the flooring! Attractive, high-quality flooring will appeal to tenants and require less frequent maintenance and replacement. But flooring is a significant investment, and the expense must be balanced against other factors such as the risk of damage, how long … Read More

The Changing Rental Market

Markets and prices can’t help but be volatile when they depend on so many fluctuating factors, and the rental market is no exception. Trends can be influenced by any combination of price point, location, season, interest rates, and more. But in recent months, rental markets nationwide have experienced a shift toward lower prices and more … Read More

Top Tips for Preventing Landlord-Tenant Disputes

No matter how much experience you have as a landlord or how thoroughly you screen potential tenants, conflicts are bound to arise occasionally. Offering your tenants respect, open communication, and clear expectations will go a long way toward resolving minor issues and keeping your landlord-tenant relationships amicable. In addition, here are tips that can help … Read More

Helping Hands at Community Food Bank

  The Rentals America Tucson team returned to Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona on October 13th to help with sorting and packing food.  A big THANK YOU for their efforts supporting this great organization!         If you would like to donate or learn more about Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, … Read More

How Will the R22 Phase Out Affect my Rental Property?

If your property includes a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit that’s been in place for a while, be aware that a problem with the equipment may become more complex than a simple repair. Many older appliances contain a refrigerant called R22 that is being phased out, triggering supply shortages and increased hassle and … Read More