Building Positive Relationships with Your Tenants

Business owners know that it’s important to build a strong rapport with customers. Good relationships and solid customer service will keep them coming back again and again. But how does this apply when you are a landlord and your customer is your tenant? In essence, you want them ‘coming back’ for more in terms of … Read More

Back to School – Or Not

The dilemma is yet to be solved. No sooner is a return-to-school plan established, then something changes. It’s a challenging time for parents who are juggling onsite and remote work while helping their children with e-learning, adjusting to daycare changes, and trying to make plans for children to return to school classrooms – at least … Read More

Finding Your Dream Rental

Looking for a home to rent can be challenging, and when you find the perfect place, there may be several others who have discovered it too. Understanding the application process and being prepared can make all the difference in securing your ideal residence. Have your paperwork in order: In addition to filling out an application, you … Read More

Investing in the Rental Market 101

Investing in the rental market can be a prudent way to build up your financial portfolio. Like anything worth doing, however, there’s the wise and thoughtful path and the hit or miss impulsive path. Taking time to study the industry and industry tools before you jump in pays off. Frankly, with the changes in technology, … Read More

Rental Property Clean-Up

Reducing the time between tenants is essential – after all, an empty rental doesn’t produce income. A plan for efficient repairs, updates, and cleanup makes a difference, whether you do it yourself or hire professionals. A thorough deep cleaning not only attracts tenants, but often reveals areas that need further attention. Furthermore, in our current … Read More

Do’s and Don’ts for Landlords – Part 2

You and your tenant:  In Part I, we shared do’s and don’ts for investing in a rental property. In today’s blog, we talk about what happens after you sign the dotted line, and the rental game begins. Do’s Remember, this is a business relationship. You are ‘selling’ a product/service – a place to live with … Read More

Do’s and Don’ts for Landlords – Part 1

Before you invest: Stepping into the rental property market can be a great opportunity. These do’s and don’ts will help you know if it’s the right opportunity for you. Do’s Study the market – and yourself. Take time to answer the following questions. We’re not talking quick responses. Do the research. What is the best … Read More

Celebrating July 4th Safely

“We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.”  – William Faulkner As you and your family and friends celebrate our nation’s 244th birthday, pause to give thanks for a country that still stands 244 years after our founding fathers penned those memorable words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, … Read More

Our Partnership with

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve recently partnered with We believe that we all have a responsibility to care for the world we live in. While business activity can contribute negativity to the environment, we feel that businesses can also make positive and meaningful steps towards preserving our earth with their actions. With that in … Read More

Creating Curb Appeal

Attracting and retaining reliable renters in your rental property can be a challenge. Many landlords put a lot of thought into layout, flooring, the right colors, lighting, and the list continues. While these are essential, it is equally vital to take time for landscaping, or in other words, curb appeal. Before a potential tenant steps … Read More