4 Winning Strategies for Avoiding Landlord Burnout

Stress is impossible to avoid in any business venture, and owning rental property is no exception. A landlord who feels optimistic when renting out his first unit will develop a less rosy perspective after dealing with difficult tenants or a middle-of-the-night maintenance call.    Although stress is unavoidable, there are effective strategies for managing it. Keeping … Read More

How Should I Prepare for Emergencies at My Rental Property?

No landlord wants to contemplate the devastation a burglary or natural disaster could inflict on their rental property. Unfortunately, no property is entirely safe from emergencies. The good news is that landlords can avert or minimize many crises through education and planning. While every area or property presents unique risk factors, here are some ideas … Read More

What To Consider When Buying a Newly Constructed Property?

With new residences popping up all over the current housing market, many landlords wonder if a newly constructed property would make a good investment. As with any business venture, the answer depends on multiple factors. The landlord’s preferences regarding location, price point, and maintenance will all affect the final analysis. Let’s look at some variables … Read More

How Can I Optimize Rentals for Tenants Who Work from Home?

Many employees started working remotely during the pandemic, and few have fully returned to in-person jobs. Whether they work entirely from home or have a hybrid schedule, remote workers have specific needs since their home doubles as an office. Optimizing a rental unit for remote employees significantly impacts the property’s appeal, but where should landlords … Read More

Mistakes to Avoid as a New Landlord

Since rental income is a form of “passive” income, new investors may view real estate as an easy money maker. But the day-to-day work of being a landlord involves complex tasks and considerations that are anything but passive. An inexperienced real estate owner can encounter challenges resulting in foreclosure or massive debt without adequate planning. … Read More

What Does Reasonable Accommodation Mean for Rental Properties?

Shelter, protected by the U.S. government under fair housing and anti-discrimination laws, is a fundamental human right. A subset of these regulations removes obstacles so disabled persons can take full advantage of housing opportunities. Under these laws, the landlord must adapt his units to renters’ unique needs. He must also provide reasonable accommodations to disabled … Read More

Making a Good First Impression with Tenants

When a promising, thoroughly screened renter signs a lease, every landlord hopes that the renter will prove cooperative and content to rent long-term. So, immediately set the tone for your professional relationship by making a positive first impression.   First impressions occur instantly but have lasting consequences. Here are four ways to put your best foot … Read More

Improving Energy Efficiency in Your Rental Property

Improving energy efficiency in your rental property sounds like a win-win. Both you and your tenants will save money on utilities while protecting the environment. But the logistics of energy efficiency can quickly become complicated . . . and expensive. Fortunately, not all energy efficiency improvements require significant cost or hassle. Here are some ideas … Read More

When is a Condo a Good Real Estate Investment?

Condos, short for condominiums, are individually owned units that compose one housing complex. The units may be attached or detached and can vary in size from studios to 3- or 4-bedroom residences. Homeowners’ associations cover these condos, often located in downtown areas.   Among property investment options, condos are the most approachable due to their versatility, … Read More

How Many Mortgages Can You Have?

Owning multiple properties can be an exciting way to expand your assets and take advantage of growth opportunities as a real estate investor. But each new property will likely require additional financing, which leads to the question: how many mortgages can you have? In 2009, the Federal National Mortgage Association, commonly known as Fannie Mae, … Read More