CDC Issues New Eviction Moratorium

 Late yesterday (August 3, 2021), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a new eviction moratorium effective immediately and running through October 3, 2021.  Although this is a new moratorium, it basically matches the previously moratoriums with a small change regarding the spread of COVID-19 within counties. It applies to those counties that are considered … Read More

Should Landlords Invest in a Storage Shed? Yes or No…

So, you just received an email from your tenant. He is renting your single-family unit and plans to stay but wants more storage space for lawn care items, outdoor furniture, and toys. Should you accommodate your tenant? Does this mean you can increase the rent? What if you install it, and then they move out – leaving it full of junk? … Read More

5 Tips to Encourage Tenants to Renew Their Lease 

If a tenant pays the rent on time, takes care of the property, obeys the rules, and adheres to the lease agreement, of course, you want that tenant to stay long-term. It’s a no-brainer. After all, only occupied rental units make money, and finding new tenants costs time and money while creating a lot of hassle … Read More

Summertime Safety and Your Tenants

July is in full swing, and that means fun-in-the-sun season. Your tenants are flocking outside to enjoy the weather, cook up tasty meals in the backyard, and relax with family and friends around the pool.    But all this summertime fun can lead to an increase in personal injuries. Tenants rightfully expect that their safety will … Read More

Going Green as a Rental Property Owner

Of course, the environment is on your radar. You want to be eco-friendly, and you believe in sustainable living, but how does that apply to your rental properties? Here are some tips to be eco-responsible without wiping out your income.  Energy Efficiency: Of course, this will have more of an impact if you pay the utilities, but there are advantages even if … Read More

9 Reasons to Invest in the Dallas Real Estate Market

Dallas’ winning business climate, combined with Texas’ low taxes, draws innovative companies from other states. Innovative companies strengthen economic diversity and bring more people who need a place to live. Consider these stats from a Norada article:  Population Expected to Double in Next 15 Years  Dallas is one of the leaders in the U.S. for employment and population growth.  52.9% of Dallas rents vs. 33% nationally.  … Read More

Should Landlords create an LLC for Their Properties?

The big question – should I create an LLC (Limited Liability Company) for my rental investments? An LLC (Limited Liability Company) is a business that combines various components of a sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. It is typically a less complicated business entity than a corporation. It is also relatively inexpensive to create and provides … Read More

Say YES to Rental Properties in Las Vegas

What does Las Vegas have to offer the rental property investor? PLENTY.  The largest city in Nevada offers a beautiful, year-round desert climate that boasts more than 310 days of sunshine each year. A variety of additional perks include no state income tax, a low incidence of natural disasters, and a range of communities to please various lifestyles.   According to Yahoo Finance, Las Vegas ranked as … Read More

Which Locations Make the Best Rental Investments?

Congratulations! You have decided to invest in a rental property. So, where do you go from there? How do you know which location is best? Let’s talk.  There isn’t a magic formula. Neither is the answer the same for every investor. On the other hand, there are key issues to consider. Here are six essentials.  Does the neighborhood primarily consist … Read More