4 Tips for Buying a Property with Existing Tenants

An investor finds an ideal location in their search for a rental property, but there’s one complication: tenants already live there. Their lease will continue beyond the purchase unless the rental agreement specifies otherwise or the sale is part of a foreclosure. So, if the sale goes through, the current tenants will likely pass to … Read More

Why are People Converting Vacation Rentals to Long-Term Rentals?

Owning a vacation rental property can be a profitable venture, especially in popular tourist destinations. However, as some markets have become saturated with short-term rentals, and the needs of travelers are changing, many property owners are finding that converting their vacation rental into a long-term rental can yield several advantages. Steady, Predictable Income One of … Read More

When (and Why) Landlords Can Perform Inspections

As a landlord, your rental property is an essential component of your business and income. Naturally, you want to protect that investment and ensure your tenants take care of the property. But sometimes, it’s hard to distinguish between a conscientious landlord and a meddling one. How can a property owner avoid crossing that line?   While … Read More

How Should Landlords Calculate Damage Costs?

Landlords screen tenants to find renters who will care for their units. But no matter how carefully landlords select tenants, property damage can still occur. So, how should you deal with property damage and calculate what a tenant owes?   Local laws vary on when and how much landlords can charge tenants for property damage, so … Read More

How Could Squatter’s Rights Affect My Rental Property?

A landlord owns a rental unit to secure rent-paying tenants. Unfortunately, a property that sits empty too long could acquire a non-paying occupant. A squatter takes up residence on a property without the owner’s consent. But although the squatter’s presence is unlawful, you must handle him with caution since he does have certain rights.    By … Read More

Finding Reliable Maintenance Professionals

One of a landlord’s fundamental tasks is maintaining his rental units. But considering the array of potential issues at a rental property—from plumbing to structural—no landlord can single-handedly manage every repair. Instead, he must engage reliable maintenance professionals before his property needs work.   Ideal vendors will reliably produce quality work at a reasonable price. But … Read More

3 Types of Insurance Coverage Every Landlord Needs

Even when homeowners and landlords own similar properties, their insurance needs differ. Homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover rental properties, and most policies specifically deny coverage when the owner isn’t occupying the unit. If a rental property experiences fire, burglary, a natural disaster, or another calamity, the landlord—not the tenant—will be financially responsible. Consequently, every landlord needs … Read More