Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Giving Back to Your Rental Investment Communities

Investment in real estate gives you a unique tie to your local community—your business is inseparable from the area in which you invest. That powerful connection to your neighborhood places you in an ideal position to set an example and inspire those around you by doing good in your community. But when so many needs and charitable causes abound, it can be overwhelming to determine where to start and which efforts might reap the best results. So here are ideas for how to give back and how those efforts can positively impact your community and your business. 

 Ways to Give Back 

    • Among real estate investors: An easy place to start could be to make a difference among the current and aspiring real estate investors in your area. A few alternatives include providing a mentorship or internship opportunity, volunteering for your local real estate investing group, or offering free workshops or seminars. 
    • In the broader community: Local charities and service projects always need volunteers. Whether your talents lie in public speaking, management, writing, marketing, or elsewhere, those skills can be used to further a worthy cause. Consider volunteering at or even hosting a food or clothing drive, serving dinner at a local shelter, or joining the board of directors of a nonprofit organization. 
    • Financially: If you want to make a financial contribution instead of, or in addition to your time and talent, there are many possibilities! A straightforward method is to dedicate a certain percentage of your profits to a local charity that aligns with your values. Other options include sponsoring a local sports team, “adopting” a brick, tree, or another available item to help fund a community project or hosting a fundraising event.

Benefits of Giving Back 

Your time, expertise, and assets are valuable resources, and how you spend them should be consistent with your priorities and values. But while giving back to your community is vital because it’s the right thing to do rather than for self-serving purposes, such charitable endeavors can have several incidental benefits. 

    • Rising tide: When conditions improve in your community, it becomes a more sought-after place to live, and property values rise. 
    • Morale: Charitable giving and volunteering can inspire you and your employees to feel like you are making a difference, which produces increased camaraderie and work ethic. 
    • Networking: Becoming involved with local causes will put you in touch with like-minded community leaders who may be valuable contacts. 
    • Goodwill: People like to support businesses that share their values and goals. Residents will notice your efforts in the community and form a positive association with your brand, building loyalty, and trust. 

Beyond your potential benefits, giving back allows you to express gratitude tangibly to the community where you have succeeded and can motivate others to do the same. Your efforts have the power to elevate your community and change lives. 

 About Rentals America   

Rentals America provides full-service property management for residential rental properties. Our team is dedicated to property management, and we are here to help landlords navigate the rental market.