Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

How Can I Improve Communication with my Tenants?

With so much at stake, the relationship between a landlord and tenant can quickly become strained. As a landlord, you’ve invested considerable money, time, and effort into the property, while your tenant views the space as home. One of the best ways to minimize strain and foster a positive relationship with your tenants is to maintain strong, open communication.  

If you’re looking to improve the ways you communicate with current and future tenants, here are some tips: 

  • Be honest and approachable right from the start. While advertising and showing your property to potential tenants, be upfront about your expectations, the condition of the unit, and any amenities. Applicants will feel more comfortable reaching out if you seem approachable rather than intimidating, so remember to smile!
  •  Use a variety of communication methods. Some tenants prefer phone calls, while others will be more responsive through texting, e-mail, or even social media messaging. But whatever methods you choose, be sure to check them regularly and make clear how you should be reached in an emergency.
  • Consider large-scale methods of communication. If you own multiple units or properties, a newsletter can build a feeling of community while sharing relevant information, such as events or maintenance schedules. Property management apps are available to track communications with multiple tenants. Additionally, forming a group on a site such as Facebook or Slack could help your tenants stay connected.
  •  Set fair but firm guidelines. Many conflicts can be avoided when clear expectations are set and followed. Showing leniency in unique circumstances displays compassion and flexibility, but if you regularly demonstrate that your rules and deadlines aren’t important to you, they won’t be respected by your tenants either.
  •  Give prior notice of repairs, maintenance, or showings. While the property is yours on paper, remember that your tenant lives there, calling it home. Even if it isn’t required by law or the terms of your lease, giving advance notice of anything that might disrupt your tenant’s day shows you respect their right to enjoy the unit in peace.
  • Respond promptly to questions and maintenance requests. Punctual responses keep lines of communication open and let tenants know their issues are important to you. Giving timely attention to maintenance requests, even small ones, will make your tenants more likely to notify you of future problems.
  •  Be willing to listen. A tenant living in your unit has valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your property. A readiness to listen will express consideration to your tenants and can be a valuable learning opportunity!

Remember that common courtesies like friendliness and respect improve communication in any relationship, including with tenants. Even when challenges arise, maintaining an air of collaboration, patience, and professionalism will keep your interactions with tenants open and amicable.

About Rentals America 

Rentals Americaprovides full-service property management for residential rental properties. Our team is dedicated to property management, and we’re here to help landlords navigate the rental market.