Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

In the Southwest, Summer is Spelled HOT! Prepare Now

Summer is coming soon, and the heat is rising in the Southwest. Preparing now will save you much landlord stress later.

Of course, high on the list is ensuring your AC is ready to beat the heat waves.

    1. Have your ductwork professionally cleaned. It not only improves airflow, which cuts down on utility costs, but it will also:
      • Create a cleaner living environment.
      • Reduce allergens and irritants.
      • Help everyone breathe easier.
      • Remove nasty smells and odors.
    2. Clean or replace your filters.
    3. Consider insulating – it will keep the cool air where you want it – inside.
    4. Caulk or weatherstrip the windows and doors. Seal off any gaps on the roof, floor, or walls.
    5. Call your favorite HVAC professional to clean the coils, empty the condenser drain, or do it yourself.
    6. Clear away the area around your unit. This includes trimming back overgrown landscaping.

But your AC is only the first step. Take time to spruce up the outdoor living spaces –unless your contract designates these responsibilities to the tenant.

    1. Plant shrubs or flowers where needed.
    2. Check your sprinkler systems.
    3. If your property includes a pool, have it cleaned and in prime condition.
    4. Service the irrigation system.
    5. Now is a great time to conduct a semi-annual property inspection – checking if there are any items needing maintenance.
    6. Check your roof – is it ready for monsoon season?

Pest control is essential. Not only can they cost you a great tenant, but pests can damage your property and create health issues. Common pests during hot summers include tarantulas, bed bugs, ticks, ants, stinging insects, termites, and cockroaches.

    1. Pests tend to multiply quickly. Respond immediately to the first sign that a pest is taking up residence.
    2. Identify the pest and the entry point.
    3. Call an exterminator.

Fire hazards. Temperatures soar in the summers. Combine the heat index with dry vegetation, and fires can erupt and quickly spread. Ensure any desert growth is trimmed away from structures. Don’t forget to ensure smoke alarms are working correctly.

Ensure you are following all state and local summer-related regulations. Remind your tenants of any items pertinent to them. For example, summers are a great time for backyard parties, but many homeowners’ associations have quiet hours which pertain to all residents – whether they own their home or are your tenant.

The fact is Southwest summers put out the heat – preparing ahead by following the above tips will make your role as landlords easier.

About Rentals America 

Rentals America provides full-service property management for residential rental properties. Our team is completely dedicated to property management and we’re here to help landlords navigate the rental market.