Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Rentals America Supports TCAA’s 2022 Turkey Drive

With rising food costs, individuals and families that depend on food banks need even more support.  This year, TCAA set a goal of providing Thanksgiving meals to 500 families.  To help with their effort, Rentals America donated funds for 32 turkeys.

We’re happy to announce that they reached their goal a few days ago, and holiday meal boxes are being distributed now!

About Tempe Community Action Agency

Tempe Community Action Agency (TCAA) improves the quality of life for the people we serve by helping them to alleviate a crisis and transition to greater economic independence. TCAA’s mission is to foster dignity and self-reliance for the economically vulnerable in the communities we serve

About Rentals America Cares

Rentals America Cares is the volunteer and charitable program of Rentals America.  Our primary focus is on organizations that provide food and shelter to those in need. We proudly support Feeding America, TCAA, United Food Bank, Community Food Bank and similar programs.