Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Surviving and Thriving While We Stay at Home

The first week of stay-at-home, it was an unexpected vacation; but now it’s a real challenge. Before crazy sets in, try being creative. There are a lot of options to make this a time that you look back and smile at the memories. It might even be the catalyst that sparks long-term changes in your lifestyle.

Stay connected: Make this a priority. Use your social media, but also make phone calls, get on skype, send emails, etc. Check-in on Grandma, your neighbor, your friend across the country, and all those people you wish you could spend time with more often. Staying connected is essential.

Help others: Yes, you can still reach out to others. If you’re making a run to the grocery, offer to pick up groceries for someone else. Order a pizza and have it delivered to the single mom down the street. Donate supplies to ministries who are getting supplies to people who can’t afford them. There is always somebody you can help.

Take a vacation – to Disneyland, no less: I’m not kidding. Here’s the link for Splash Mountain. Wait until the sun goes down or pull the blinds, turn off the lights, and watch – it’s more real than you expect. You’ll quickly find yourself searching YouTube for more rides.

Return to childhood: Yes, jigsaw puzzles and coloring books are for grownups too. Try your hand at playdough – it’s an excellent stress reliever and a wonderful way to bond with your kids. Have a contest. Don’t have playdough on hand and want to avoid unnecessary trips? Make your own – click here for a how-to video.

Check off your list: It’s a rare bird who doesn’t have a list of projects they are going to do when they ‘have time.’ Well, now you have time, so what’s your excuse. Prioritize your list, pick something and do it.

Organize your closets: It’s a great time to finally sort everything you own – one drawer or shelf at a time. Get the whole family involved. If you need storage containers or closet organizers, there is always online shopping. The rules:

  1. Empty a drawer or closet (or one shelf of the closet) and sort everything into four piles. Keep. Sell. Give away. Dump.
  2. Put the keep items back away in an organized manner
  3. Spend a day listing the ‘sell’ items on eBay, Craig’s List, or another online option. (The money from sold items just might come in handy if your work hours have been reduced)
  4. Bag up the items to give away. You stack them for now if you don’t want to venture out or take them to a local Goodwill or Salvation Army if they are open.
  5. Bag up the throw-away stuff and put them in your trash for pick up. Of course, you might have to divide it over a few weeks. If you live in rural areas and it’s safe to burn, you could always have a bonfire.

Take a class: Many universities are offering free online courses, but this is only the beginning. From cake decorating to auto repair, there is something for almost everyone. If you’re homeschooling teens, the options are endless.

Take online cooking classes: Get everyone who shares your living space involved. Learn new ways of doing things. Discover new recipes. Who knows, cooking together might become a lifetime joy, long after COVID-19 has been eradicated.

Exercise: You no longer have the excuse of not enough time. Whether it’s yoga at home or an outdoor activity like walking, biking, or swimming (in some areas of the country), there is something you can do. End the social distancing time a few pounds lighter and a lot trimmer.

Travel from home: From national parks and zoos to museums, there are a multitude of online tours. Get out the popcorn, your favorite drink, and enjoy. If you are suddenly a homeschooling parent, tie it into lessons with research before the ‘tour” and a quiz when it’s over.

Discover a new hobby: Google creative things to do at home. The possibilities are endless.

Make a family video record: Capture all the things you did during the stay-at-home season. Who knows, it might go viral. Well, maybe not, but it will be fun to watch again in a year, or five, or ten.

Make gifts: I know – this is going to stretch some of you but start thinking Christmas. Choose a few people off your list and make a gift. Come the holiday season, you’ll not only be a step ahead this year instead of behind, but you will also create a memory, touch a heart, and save money at the same time.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. An online search brings many ideas – there’s something for every personality, age, and skill set. Don’t let COVID-19 defeat you. Make this national crisis a turning point for a better, more connected lifestyle.

If you need a home to rent or have rentals available, call Rentals America. We care. We work hard to connect landlords and tenants – in the good times and in the middle of a crisis. We offer a full range of property management services tailored to you as an investor, homeowner, or landlord. We have an extensive portfolio of single-family homes, townhouses, condos, and apartments in the area. Contact us today.