Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

The Ins and Outs of Pest Control in Rental Properties

We naturally try to distance ourselves from creepy, crawly pests of all varieties—rodents, insects, snakes. The very thought of these intruders invading our space is unpleasant at best. As landlords, it’s your job, and responsibility, to maintain a pest-free rental property. In fact, in many states, it is a legal requirement.  

Addressing creepy, crawly unwelcome guests must become part of the day-to-day property management routine failure to act immediately and aggressively can lead to disgruntled tenants, loss of tenants, a sullied reputation, and even fines -not to mention the damage these critters can heap upon your property.  

First, let’s look at prevention. Maintaining pest-free rental properties starts with consistent efforts channeled toward preventing pest invasions. These efforts will get a positive boost when landlords and tenants partner to keep rental units pest free. That partnership should begin with “Pest Control 101” that emphasizes the need to – 

  • Dispose of all trash often, only in the designated location(s), diligently replacing lids/covers on the bins/dumpsters
  • Maintain an orderly residence without the accumulation of excess “stuff”
  • Regularly vacuum, mop, wash the dishes, etc., to keep the residence clean
  • Keep food in well-sealed containers and/or in the refrigerator/freezer
  • Notify the landlord/management of leaks or standing water
  • Immediately report any signs of pests, i.e., sightings, droppings, evidence of chewed /destroyed object 

Landlords/management teams should regularly inspect the property for— 

  • Cracks in the walls, floors, foundations, gaps around windows and doors, etc., sealing/repairing/improving accordingly   
  • Malfunctioning appliances that cause water to leak or stand  
  • Damaged and/or ill-fitting lid/covers on trash receptacles   
  • Consistent, better-than-so-so cleaning of common areas  
  • Proper closing and latching of outside entrances/exits  

After preventative measures comes acknowledgement and responsiveness to issues discovered via management or tenants. Despite the best efforts of an awesome tenant/landlord partnership, pests may weasel their way into your rental property. When issues arise— 

  • Check out the situation ASAP.  This offers the best chance of gaining control before damage or further damage results. Plus, immediate responsiveness demonstrates to tenants that you care.  
  • Determine the type(s) of pests causing the problem as well as how the critters have gained access. If the answer to either question isn’t readily apparent, don’t hesitate to call in a professional. Again, time is of the essence.  
  • Next comes the remedy. If you feel certain of the how, where, and when of a solution, get the wheels in motion. If you lack experience in pest control issues, or this situation has you unusually stumped, again, it’s time to call in an expert.  
  • Even as the above steps are falling into place, it’s important to let all your tenants know the situation and the plan of attack. Work to get and keep ahead of any gossip as the rumor mill can be as damaging as a termite infestation.   

Is the tenant ever responsible for the expense of handling a pest-control issue? The answer is YES.  If the tenant(s) behavior and actions—or lack thereof—are responsible for causing the invasion/infestation, the tenant should take responsibility for the bill.  Many lease agreements also place the responsibility of routine pest management upon the tenants – assuming there wasn’t already a pest problem when they moved-in.  

Cheers for living pest-free!   

About Rentals America    

Rentals Americaprovides full-service property management for residential rental properties. Our team is completely dedicated to property management and we’re here to help landlords navigate the rental market.